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Tue 5 Dec 2023 13:45:00 AEST AEMO market data delayed
ez2ViewHosted MMS

Update Tuesday 5 December 2023 15:25 NEM time

Global-Roam services and data feeds have resumed following the interruption to AEMO data. The incident was assigned reference number INC0122873 by AEMO.

Original Report

Appearing to be linked to AEMO maintenance (CHG0081712), market data feeds have experienced delays.

Tue 28 Nov 2023 17:30:00 AEST WattClarity Website Down

Update - Thursday 28th November 2023 6pm NEM Time

We have manually fixed the issue and restored the website from a backup from earlier that day, data from the day was lost but no articles where added to the website. A lack of email notifications for new subscribers suggest no one signed up during the period data was lost.

Original Report

During an upgrade of the infrastructure behind the webiste an error occured causing the website to become unavailable to visitors

Thu 23 Nov 2023 09:00:00 AEST Next day public FCAS Bid Data delayed
ez2ViewHosted MMS

Update - Thursday 23st November 2023 5pm NEM Time

We have manually fixed the issue and loaded FCAS bids for the 22/11/2023 trading day. FCAS bids should now be up to date in ez2view. We are still awaiting an official response or a fix from AEMO.

Original Report

Next day public FCAS bids have not loaded into our MMS database on time this morning. This is affecting display of FCAS bids in ez2view and will also affect any customers with a direct MMS database connection.

Further investigation of this issue has shown that the root cause seems to be a corrupt file published by AEMO for today’s FCAS bids. We have contacted AEMO and are awaiting further information.

Wed 22 Nov 2023 13:10:00 AEST High database load 2 hours
ez2ViewNEMreviewHosted MMS

Update: Query loads are now back to normal.

Our main MMS database is performing poorly at the moment due to unusually large query volumes.

Some customers who may have time aggregated trends in NEM review may experience results taking longer than usual to load. Customers with certain ez2view widgets may also experience intermittent slow data refresh times. Customers directly connecting to the Public Data Hosted MMS may also be experiencing slow query performance.

We are monitoring the situation and expect it to resolve when the query load reduces. We will take further action if problems persist. We thank you for your patience.

Wed 15 Nov 2023 15:15:00 AEST ez2View FCAS Bid Data

Update - Tuesday 21st November 2023 10am NEM Time

We have released v9.8.5.28 of ez2View to fix issues with the FCAS bid data. Versions of ez2View before this will now show an empty day of FCAS bid data instead of inaccurate bid stacks, you will need to update to v9.8.5.28 or above to view FCAS bid data for these days.

Update - Thursday 16th November 2023 10am NEM Time

We are still working on a fix. Additionally the FCAS bid data for trading day 15 November 2023 is now also incomplete.

Original report

It has come to our attention that FCAS bids as displayed in Ez2View Bids & Offers and other widgets for NEM trading days 10 November 2023 and 14 November 2023 are currently incomplete in ez2view and display incorrectly. The data for these days should not currently be relied upon. We are aware of the issue and working on a resolution.